Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 17 - 6 of Diamonds

Word for the day: responsibility. If there is an area of life where you are slacking in your responsibility, this is a great day to bring that into balance. The Six of Diamond's asks us to take action that is in alignment with our greatest values and highest integrity - whatever or however that may be.

Perception is exalted by the Queen of Diamonds, as is intuition. Take care not to judge, and if others don't meet your expectations - perhaps you might want to lower them.

The mental expressions of the cards today will be quick, precise, and discerning. Best to put these characteristics to their best uses. Follow what you know is true for you, avoid compromising yourself, and listen carefully to your intuition.

This can be a very good day for interaction, however in decision making, be sure everything feels right - the gut outweighs logic today.

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