Monday, February 28, 2011

March 1 - 9 of Spades

A reflection does not see itself. - African Proverb

Happy March! - this is a month when ideas can find a way into form. Building platforms of expression, personally and professionally will be supported during the month of March.

Today, independence and idealism are the keywords. There's a very special type of perceptive energy embodied in this day - sensitive, persuasive, and creative.

The 9 of Spades is often referred to as the "death card". I believe this card's most profound influence has to do with initiation. Often, letting go of something is part of that process - so this can be a day with we are asked to do just that. Frustration or obstacles are sign posts that point us inward.

Dance with the spirit of life today, breath by breath. This can be a somewhat intense day for some. It's a good day for an inner journey, or a creative endeavor. Stillness is suggested by the cards.

Trust and follow your inner guidance closely. Today we dance with life as if we are being lead in the dance of Argentine tango; moving meditation.

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