Sunday, February 20, 2011

February 21 - Now is the time for action!

It is a 4 of Diamonds Day

Pay attention to your intuitive hits today, as they could pay off big time. Trust your creative inspiration if it comes to lead you - take a chance.

It's a very great day to establish new financial foundations, or to build upon existing ones.

Creative expression is important - uncertainty is a sign that action must be taken - if you're not clear how to proceed, do something out of the ordinary (meaning out of your routine) to move your energy. Movement will lead to change, change will pave the way for new action, action will cause a result.

Building new foundations for home, family, relationships, or business is highly favored. Procrastination will not do today. This is a day to move with your thoughts. Not tomorrow - today!

Success is birthed from happiness, not the other way around. Happiness can be found in a moment - it's there when we look for it.  

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