Monday, February 28, 2011

March 1 - 9 of Spades

A reflection does not see itself. - African Proverb

Happy March! - this is a month when ideas can find a way into form. Building platforms of expression, personally and professionally will be supported during the month of March.

Today, independence and idealism are the keywords. There's a very special type of perceptive energy embodied in this day - sensitive, persuasive, and creative.

The 9 of Spades is often referred to as the "death card". I believe this card's most profound influence has to do with initiation. Often, letting go of something is part of that process - so this can be a day with we are asked to do just that. Frustration or obstacles are sign posts that point us inward.

Dance with the spirit of life today, breath by breath. This can be a somewhat intense day for some. It's a good day for an inner journey, or a creative endeavor. Stillness is suggested by the cards.

Trust and follow your inner guidance closely. Today we dance with life as if we are being lead in the dance of Argentine tango; moving meditation.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

February 28 - The Teacher and the Healer

This is a 10 of Clubs Day

This is an excellent day to gather with those of like-mind to have meetings, brainstorming sessions, and to give presentations. Education and publishing are favored.

Communication and partnership are in the spotlight, so combine the two and use the magic of this day to enhance your relationships.

Great accomplishment and recognition can come from whatever is initiated today.

Last minute changes could be freeing you up for something more important, best to avoid disappointment and keep your eyes peeled for a new opportunity.

Changes in thinking and plans are likely - be flexible and open minded for best results.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

February 25 - The Crown of Knowledge

The King of Clubs is the master mind of the deck - the ruler of the mental kingdom. If you look at a deck of playing cards, you will see that he holds the world in his hand. Today is the day to do just that! 

Authenticity is the keyword for a day that is filled with brilliant mental power and great vision. If there's something you've been hesitating to do, or keeping yourself from, this is a good day to take action. 

Adjustments may be called for. Let your intuition lead the way and your actions be spurred by what feels right to you.

Leadership is favored - and much can be accomplished - in the realms of your mind and the world around you.  

Today we have the opportunity to wear the crown of knowledge. Enjoy.

This day is filled with a sometimes unpredictable combination of ambition and vision.  

It will be best to think twice before making commitments.

Keep ambition in check by consulting your understanding before taking action.  

Take care with communication, and remember to listen closely and pay attention to your intuition.  

It's a great day to get things done.

I am offering a significantly lower fee for readings between now and 3/31. 30 - 75 minutes in length.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

February 23 - Two of Diamonds Day

Partnerships could need extra attention today, and it's best to be aware of, and respond to those needs with care if they arise. It's possible that these situations will come about as a result of poor communication that has taken place.

Success is guaranteed if intuition is followed. If intuition is ignored, obstacles are likely to result.

This can be a restless day, one that is good for travel, change, and variety of all kinds.

Watch out for fixed attitudes in self or others.

Communication and sharing are definitely favored.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Hang on tightly and let go quickly - words of wisdom for the day. Mental attitudes can be very strong today - for better or worse - it will be our choice, moment by moment how we dance with the energy of this day. If things aren't going your way - let go. Observe. Breathe. Smile :)

It could be that life will try to pry things from our grip. By "things", I'm referring to attachments that no longer serve us. If this occurs for you - be gracious, kind, and wise.

On another note in the harmony of things, this day is filled with highly creative energy - tremendous perceptual gifts, and the natural ability to think outside the box. Outside the box is probably a good place to hang out today.

Creative financial ventures can come out of nowhere - grab them, and enjoy the dance.

- Sharon

Sunday, February 20, 2011

February 21 - Now is the time for action!

It is a 4 of Diamonds Day

Pay attention to your intuitive hits today, as they could pay off big time. Trust your creative inspiration if it comes to lead you - take a chance.

It's a very great day to establish new financial foundations, or to build upon existing ones.

Creative expression is important - uncertainty is a sign that action must be taken - if you're not clear how to proceed, do something out of the ordinary (meaning out of your routine) to move your energy. Movement will lead to change, change will pave the way for new action, action will cause a result.

Building new foundations for home, family, relationships, or business is highly favored. Procrastination will not do today. This is a day to move with your thoughts. Not tomorrow - today!

Success is birthed from happiness, not the other way around. Happiness can be found in a moment - it's there when we look for it.  

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Today is a day of beauty and refinement.  

There are lessons to be learned via our relationships, and love is most definitely wearing the crown.  

If challenged in communication, ask yourself - "Do I want to be loved, or do I want to be right?" 

Reflection and refinement are the keywords for the day. Generous amounts of compassion blended with understanding are the perfect recipe for greater self-awareness and personal alignment with the governing influences.

It's a very good day to change unwanted mental and emotional habits.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

February 17, 2011 - Power and Abundance Await!

Abundance is pretty much guaranteed with anything that is initiated on this day. Power in accomplishment is waiting to be claimed!  

Let your inspiration lead you into action, and then follow-through - this will bring excellent rewards.  

Great ideas are waiting to be captured, so if they come your way - claim them.

It's a good day to to be recognized. Graciously receive recognition and acknowledge others for what you admire.

Have a great day! - Sharon

February 16, 2011 - A Day to Give to Others

I call the Nine of Diamonds the card of "the one who gives", and this is for sure a great day to step up to the plate in some way to give to others with the intention of enhancing their life in some way. Be generous with your self, your time, or your money.

Communication and networking are highlighted, and partnerships are favored. Refinement of direction might be called for.

Eccentricity is filling the air, so conversations could be interesting.

Take care with money today, it's an day when it can easily find its way out of your hands.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

February 15, 2011

Today is governed by the 10 of Diamonds - a card known to bring good fortune through the understanding of gratitude, and the willingness to make effort in desired directions. This is a day of fortunate blessings, so be open and receptive to whatever life might want to give to you, and - be responsive if you see the opportunity to give to someone else.

It can be a great day for business, real estate, home improvements, or investments. There's a lot of energy to inspire us to move forward with things, and to ask for what we really want. Don't be shy.

Indecisive behavior will reflect a need for more concrete information to be gathered. If unclear, wait to make decisions.

Enjoy the dynamic energy of the day.