Monday, April 25, 2011

April 25 - Let go...

Impatience is in the ring with the power of reason today, and the best seat in the house is your intuition. Follow your intuition in all matters of decision making and take care when communicating what you think.

If something doesn't go the way you thought it would, or the way you planned it to go -
release it.
Something greater wants to come you way.
Holding on will create difficulty.

You have the power to recreate through your thinking today - Enjoy that.

Friday, April 22, 2011

April 22 - Queen of Clubs

The Queen of the Club suit is in the house!
This is a day to be adventurous with our thinking,
exploration of the life we are living, and our communication with others.

The mental energy infused into this day is
excellent! Sharing ideas will lead to new
insights and possible projects.

If you are weighing choices - do what feels best.

Avoid over-stimulation from external mental or physical stresses.

Listen to your intuition.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April 21 - The King of Clubs

The crown of love and fire, this dynamic mental energy is excellent for exploring the higher realms of thinking, teaching, writing, lecturing, leading groups, and publishing. This king has a strong influence on the mystic sciences of life.

Communication and creativity are highly favored.

Authenticity is the key to success.

Enjoy. -Sharon

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April 20 - Ambition dressed in determination leads the way...

This is a day filled with fast moving energy.
Ambition is dressed in determination and driven by insight and vision. 
Anything is possible.

The key: think before taking action.

The Ace of Diamonds is a visionary,
often way ahead of his/her time.
Pay close attention to your imagination today,
as it may reveal something spectacular,
or an interesting glimpse into your future.

Enjoy. -Sharon

Monday, April 18, 2011

April 19 - Intuition Leads - Logic Follows

Work this day! Partnerships, negotiations, and wheeling and dealing are all highly favored today.

Intuition must be the captain with logic as the co-pilot -- no exceptions to this rule on this day. The lifelong lesson of the Two of Diamonds is all about learning to trust the intuitive intelligence and give it the lead for guidance.

If you have "feelings of purpose" stirring inside of you, align with them today and let them take root. If there is action that you can take to put something relative into motion, do that.

Financial adjustments may be called for. Gratitude is the key to all things falling into their natural order.

April 18 - Imagine the unimaginable...

This is a good day to find creative solutions to financial challenges or worries. The first step to solving something like this is to transform any existing fears associated with money. If this doesn't apply to you personally but you know someone that it does apply to, you might want to share this with them.

In 0753 on this day, Rome was found, William Shakespeare was born in 1564, and the famous San Francisco Earthquake devastated the city in 1906.

There is great creative intelligence, unpredictability, and good fortune to be found. The coin of the day has worry on one side and innovation on the other. Think outside the box! The further out you get, the greater the inspiration - whatever the focus might be.

Mercury is retrograde, so take care with contracts, etc., until it goes direct on April 23.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

April 16 - Expect the Unexpected - 5 of Diamonds Day

Watch for flying objects and remember to duck!

Everything is up for grabs today - changes are likely.

Partnerships and communication could be in the spotlight, and that could be favorable. And... if there's something you need to get straight or be honest about, do it.

This can be a good day to network or promote something of interest to you, or that could be helpful for someone else.

Best suggestion I can make today:
Expect the unexpected, go with the flow, bend and change with the wind rather than resisting.

It's a great day to have fun - so it will be wise to put that at the top of the To Do list!


Today in History - in 1943, Swiss chemist Hofmann accidently ingested LDS, which lead to it's use for schizophrenia,

and then of course, Flower Power.

Mercury is retrograde, so take care with contracts, etc., until it goes direct on April 23.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The card of financial responsibility governs this day - tax day in the USA.

If you've been letting something slide rather than dealing with it, this is a great day to change that behavior with action. Today we put things in order.

The 6 of Diamonds demands attention to integrity and responsibility. If this speaks to any aspect of your life, rise to the occasion and step up to the plate.

Good fortune comes in response to action and acknowledgment via gratitude, therefore it is an auspicious day to choose someone or something that you are grateful for or to, and make a gesture of appreciation in some way.


Mercury is retrograde, so take care with contracts, etc., until it goes direct on April 23.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April 14 - Spirit Meets Matter

Ambition in the right direction can bring great rewards. Align with your passion, put yourself first, and take action toward what you want, materially and spiritually, keeping the values of the two in sync.

This is a great day to release any unnecessary fears, especially those related to money. Money is energy. The 7 of Diamonds unites Heaven and Earth, spirit and matter, creative energy and material gain.

There is a restless element at the heart of this day, and it's best to avoid compulsive behavior.

Enjoy the spirit of the day. - Sharon

April 13 - Eight of Diamonds Day

Remain open and receptive to your perceptions today, as this 8 of Diamonds has a keen intelligence and gift of foresight that is blessing the day.

Keep expectations reasonable, and be accepting and support of self and others.

Opportunities for good fortune can appear suddenly, so it will be wise to pay attention to the moment.

This can be an excellent business day. Communication and self-expression are favored.

Mercury is retrograde, so take care with contracts, etc., until it goes direct on April 23.